Season 6: 2022
The 2022 season was a blast, we built a robot that could climb monkey bars and shoot a ball into a hoop. We competed in Chicago’s Midwest Regional and then in Peoria.

Season 7: 2023
In 2023 we again competed in Chicago and Peoria. Our robot had to place cones and cubes onto scoring stations to earn points.

Season 8: 2024.
This year we need to build a robot that can place and/or, shoot a foam ring into two different openings, one just slightly higher than the robot, and the other several feet off the floor. The final task will be to grab onto a chain and lift itself off the floor.

Golden Bots in the community
Since 2018 Golden Bots have been visiting Elementary and Middle Schools as a way of promoting STEM related activities. This interaction with students has created a community interest to join STEM centered projects. With our inspiration and support the middle school has started building robots in their STEM classes. These students will develop their skills and become Golden Bots in the future.
In the summer our team concentrates on fund raising and building small projects. The students learn about motors, pneumatics, electrical wiring, drive systems, programming, and the tools needed to create a robot. They also learn how to speak publicly through the fund raising contacts, and from speaking about the team at school and community events.
Besides building robots, our students learn CAD, computer programming, and business administration. The team includes students with interests in art and design, as well as electrical and mechanical engineering.
How are the Golden Bots Unique?
Supporting the Sterling Golden Bots is a chance for your company to provide support for students interested in careers in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). We also have students that work on web design, fund raising, photography, and computer programming.
We are an excellent means through which you can give back to your community and support the future of your business by investing in today’s students.

Next competition…
We are getting ready for season 8 (2024). The Kick Off was January 6th! We are now working on the design for our robot.